21st century leader development

Chairman/Principal YOSHIMI IKEDA

According to “The History of Private Education” (Shin Nihon Shuppansha) written in 1967, its tradition of progress can be summarized in the following three points. 
The first was to open up learning and education to the working people; 
the second was to protect the independence of learning and education against government interference and the formation of a spirit of “independent”; 
and the third was to adopt a unique academic culture and original and superior educational methods, thereby contributing to the advancement of learning and education.

In particular, we believe that “independent” and “private” are the propositions of private education.Since the opening of the junior high school in 1986, we have been producing young people who are strong in “intellect, virtue, and body” under the slogan of “nurturing leaders of the 21st century.Since the opening of the junior high school in 1986, the process of establishing the senior high school has been an indescribable ordeal, and we established the senior high school in Nishi-Beppu-cho, Kagoshima City, which is our current location.

In the sense of “starting from zero,” we are the “newest private school in Kyushu.
In establishing the high school in 1991 and the elementary school in 1995, we have never forgotten the support we received from the Board of Directors, the Supporters’ Association, the Education Supporters’ Association, alumni, school-related personnel, and many other supporters of Ikeda Gakuen.

 We are determined to repay them by nurturing young people who will be valuable members of society in the future.At the same time, we would like to be “No.1 in Japan” in being a school that continues to support the lives of current students and graduates. 

This is because the measure of a private school’s “identity” is nothing other than its “educational content” and the “graduates” who are the result of that education.
We would like to encourage our graduates to become “leaders of the 21st century,” not only while they are in school, but also after they go out into the world.
Like other prominent private schools in Japan, Ikeda Gakuen will carve out its own time in a leisurely manner.
And we are praying for the success of our current students and graduates.

The Spirit of Establishment

Developing International Leaders for the 21st Century

School precepts

  • Independence : Seek and learn on your own
  • Passion : Involve burning passion and stand up for things
  • Thoroughness : Tolerance, perseverance, perseverance, perseverance, perseverance, perseverance until the goal is achieved.

Words of the Founder

Hiroshi Ikeda

Founder and Dean of the School

Leaving Japan in 1877, Dr. Clark bid farewell to his students at the Shimamatsu train station. The words he uttered at that time were “Boys, be ambitious!” The word “aspiration” is translated as “persistence. I believe that the young people of Ikeda Gakuen, who live their aspirations with enthusiasm, will surely open up a bright tomorrow.

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Education Policy

Free and fresh school culture

In a quiet area with lush greenery, the school does not bind students by school rules or student handbooks, but fosters independence, self-reliance, and creativity in a free and fresh school culture.

Self-seeking learning

Instead of cramming and memorization-type passive learning, we promote self-motivated learning in which students actively learn, think, judge, and act on their own initiative, so that they can acquire real-life academic skills.

Brain Power Development

We work on each student’s brain power itself, and actively train memory, thinking, concentration, creativity, and imagination throughout the middle and high school.

Whole Person Education

To comprehensively grasp each individual’s character, characteristics, abilities, and academic ability, and to encourage holistic personal growth through friendly rivalry and soul-stirring activities in the company of master and disciple.

Global Understanding

Through various in-school and out-of-school events and experiential activities, we will develop a broad perspective and culture, cherish the culture and traditions of our country, and cultivate an attitude of understanding and respecting the lives and cultures of people from other countries.

Science Program at Ikeda Gakuen

Integrated elementary, junior high and high school learning system

Elementary School:
Grasping Learning

Middle School:
Deepening Learning

High School:
Expanding Learning

Ikeda Primary School,Basic Science, classes in collaboration with Ikeda Junior & Senior High School
We aim to acquire basic literacy in science and inquiry through experiments and observations. In addition, we will arouse students’ interest in science in cooperation with Ikeda Junior and Senior High Schools.
Ikeda Junior High School, SCP (Science Communication Program)
Based on communication with many scientists, we develop information gathering for this purpose, exploratory activities to create themes and questions, and presentation presentations to foster a sense of familiarity with science and dialogue skills.
Ikeda High School, SSH (Super Science High school)
With the aim of fostering a high level of science and an international mindset, Ikeda Gakuen has established an internationally oriented scientific human resource development program to foster scientific and creative human resources based on our founding spirit of “fostering international leaders for the 21st century.